uploads/money belt.jpg

money belt 錢帶〔里邊有放錢小格子的帶子〕。

money box

“ sell your possessions and give to charity ; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out , an unfailing treasure in heaven , where no thief comes near nor moth destroys 路12 : 33你們要變賣所有的、 ?濟人為自己豫備永不壞的錢囊、用不盡的財寶在天上、就是賊不能近、蟲不能蛀的地方。

And he said to them , “ when i sent you out without money belt and bag and sandals , you did not lack anything , did you ? “ they said , “ no , nothing . 路22 : 35耶穌又對他們說、我差你們出去的時候、沒有錢囊、沒有口袋、沒有鞋、你們缺少甚麼沒有他們說、沒有。

C : what about her money belt ? she usually wears that round her middle when she goes out 那她裝錢的腰包呢?她外出時總是把它系在腰上。

“ carry no money belt , no bag , no shoes ; and greet no one on the way 路10 : 4不要帶錢囊、不要帶口袋、不要帶鞋在路上也不要問人的安。

What about her money belt ? she usually wears that round her middle when she goes out 那她裝錢的腰包呢?她外出時總是把它系在腰上。

I put my passport and money belt under some socks in the drawer 我把我的護照和腰包放在抽屜的襪子下面

What the hell is that ? - it ' s a traveler ' s money belt 這是什么? -旅行者背包

- what the hell is that ? - it ' s a traveler ' s money belt -這是什么? -旅行者背包

Out of force of habit i felt for the money belt around my waist . 出于習慣,我摸了摸圍在腰間的錢帶。